Marlene Burckhalter  Gosh, that's a wonderful story and a great picture to help you remember it!  10.08.09 - 8:23pm

anniepat  aw, man, that is just PERFECTION.  10.08.09 - 6:21pm

Carol Layton  yeah, good job, g-pop! LOL!!!!  10.08.09 - 5:41pm

beth  LOVE it! and Layla's curles are out of the so so gorgeous!  10.08.09 - 5:14pm

kathy lambeth  that's the way kids are supposed to look!!!!! ....throughout their childhood...while they can get away with it!...they (and you) will cherish these memories!!! good job!!!  10.07.09 - 9:57pm

Christy  I absolutely love it! I love the fact that Bradyn and Layla are becoming so close - He loves her so much. This picture captures them completely!  10.07.09 - 9:23pm

Natasha  Priceless sucker faces!! Good for you that tomorrow is Thursday!!! :)  10.07.09 - 7:15pm

Vonda Byerly  Mom said you were trying to keep up with them both in the candy store! I know my kids love to visit their nana there! They think it's the best place to work!  10.07.09 - 6:36pm

Christine Pobke  LOL @ "when the PB runs out" - you're too funny! :) And that pic is awesome!!!  10.07.09 - 6:25pm

Lindsey can come over for dinner when the peanut butter runs out...Love the picture...classic Layla and Bradyn!  10.07.09 - 1:20pm