theresa  lover the fifth to the last of the pictures! ...Notice how the bride's embrace around her husband's neck, seems to form a heart! How symbolic, whether intended or not.  10.24.09 - 11:47pm

Sharon Lambros  wow - these are absolutely stunning Rodney and the couple are beautiful. You always do such a great job of capturing so much in each shot.....I don't even know the couple, but I have tears of joy in my eyes!  10.21.09 - 7:01pm

Uncle Mike  I ENJOYED WEDDING. tHE PICTURES ARE beautiful  10.19.09 - 7:09pm

Mildred Green  I felt like I was there and could almost hear the music. Stunning photographs that truly captured the unforgetable moments of this beautiful wedding . . .  10.18.09 - 9:40am

Becky  Your pictures are as stunning as the bride and groom. Thank you for capturing the alluring atmosphere of this wedding, it was beautiful!  10.17.09 - 8:47pm

Christine Pobke  Oh my... these are beautiful works of art, Rodney!!! Absolutely stunning and perfect in every way. What a stunning bride and groom. I can't get over how gorgeous these are! Love love love. :)  10.17.09 - 7:04am

Alexandra  Wow these are amazing! I'm loving them!  10.17.09 - 3:51am

Natasha  These pictures are perfect! Trayce has such a classical look!  10.16.09 - 7:17pm

Tracye  Wow!!!! The pictures are amazing!!!! Love, The Bride  10.16.09 - 5:49pm