Brandy  These are beautiful! Timeless...  03.03.10 - 5:59pm

Erin  Wow! Those are amazing!  11.01.09 - 8:29pm

Natasha  Yes, great locations - a wide variety! I'm sticking with my usual favorite - the black and white (with the serious faces). I love that classic look!!  10.30.09 - 3:13pm

logan  Wow! What an amazing session!  10.30.09 - 9:52am

Lindsey  BEAUTIFUL! I love them...looks like you ALL had a blast!  10.30.09 - 9:13am

Natalie  Love the pictures! Thanks for such a fun session!!  10.30.09 - 7:59am

Christine Pobke  SO FUN, Rodney! These are fantastic!!! I always love seeing your sessions as the locations and colours are always so fabulous. :)  10.30.09 - 4:50am