beth layton  this makes me look even more forward to having a nephew!  02.16.10 - 9:42pm

Kristin Vining  Oh Rodney - these are captivating. I love his precious little facial expressions. Karen needs to capture y'all gaming together - I love it!! God bless you, friend!  02.16.10 - 6:59pm

Carol Layton  Aw!! Precious! about posting some of Bradyn's pics of you!!? It would be like a self portrait sort of, but also through your grandson's eyes. I bet it'd be cool!  02.16.10 - 5:02pm

Lindsey  hahaha...what a cute little progression of photos! You can totally tell by the 4th one, he was ready to play and not model :-) So cute!  02.16.10 - 1:55pm

Christy  These are great - I know Bradyn loves to be the teacher...he loves every moment you spend with him so THANK YOU!  02.16.10 - 8:12am

Sharon Lambros  ah..these are so good. Bradyn is such a good model and a good sport! I know he thinks there is nothing like his Papa! You are so patient and devoted to spending your undivided time and attention on him..and you love every minute of it! Thanks for sharing such special times!  02.15.10 - 8:37pm