Jared Rey  These are such cute pictures of the baby.  05.05.10 - 10:00am

Mary Nell  Rodney the pictures are beautiful as always and of course as the great aunt I am a little biased that Elizabeth is the most beautiful baby. You couldn't have posted a more fitting story of my brother at such a difficult time right now for our family with the loss of our dad. I am very blessed to have such a wonderful family and friends.  04.15.10 - 6:26am

Lori Rayburn  I love this story and feel the same way about Mike. He is so talented and has inspired me through his art, pottery, woodworking and anything else he attempts. Elizabeth is beautiful. I saw her once a few months ago with Amy and Diane but she was sleeping so I didn't get to see those beautiful eyes. You captured them well. Glad I checked in on your blog today! What a treat.  04.14.10 - 12:52pm

Carol Layton  Just had to chuckle about your observational powers at work all those years ago on this job...looks like you were destined to be a photographer!  04.12.10 - 6:47am

Natasha  She is beautiful, and, the pictures are great, too! Here's to praying that sweet Elizabeth will find a friend to her like her grandfather was to you. :)  04.11.10 - 5:41am

Brianna Phelan  The fifth shot is adorable! So sweet :)  04.07.10 - 7:43pm

Christine  beautiful portraits and beautiful story, rodney... thanks for sharing. we all need a friend like mike! :)  04.07.10 - 7:28pm

Richard Israel  sweeeet!!!  04.07.10 - 9:17am

Lindsey  Ol' "Ug" sure does make pretty grandbabies....who'd a thunk it :-) What a beautiful post--some valuable lessons learned!  04.07.10 - 6:06am

Teresa Huffman  Absolutely beautiful! You have captured the essence of her personality. Great work!  04.07.10 - 6:05am

Jenny  I love how you can capture the intensity in her little blue eyes! She's adorable!  04.06.10 - 9:16pm