natasha  I love your family and your photography. You have such a big heart, rodney!  12.07.10 - 7:45am

Carol Layton  Loved the post...."the first time I looked through the lens...." also love the mini art appreciation learning tidbits of what artists are thinking.  12.04.10 - 8:46am

Chasity Evans  Rodney, I just love seeing your grandkids grow through the eye of a grandparent who loves them. I wish I could say I had this one I was there age.  12.02.10 - 8:59am

Lindsey  My favorite...the one of Bradyn on the porch of that old house laughing. That little smile is so contagious. We are so blessed by you--blessed to have you behind the lens! Just sayin...  12.01.10 - 8:53pm