Jenny  Linds..I cannot believe your little red head is 4. She was a beautiful baby and is now a beautiful little girl! You done good Momma!  02.10.11 - 10:18pm

natasha  Yeah, I needed those tissues you warned me about. Where did 4 years go? :) what a blessing! Sweet, sweet beans!  02.10.11 - 5:59pm

Bruce  If eyes are the windows to the soul, then this child has picture windows for eyes. Either that, or she has the most soulful eyes I've ever seen. Good job, mom.  02.10.11 - 3:54pm

Jessica  She's so beautiful! I can't wait to see the big things the Lord has planned for her life! What a privilege we have to have front row seats!  02.10.11 - 3:38pm