Carol  You guys really hit the grandkid jackpot! Bradyn and Layla are A-DOR-A-BLE!  04.18.09 - 1:02am

la marquise des anges  Bradyn and Layla are just too adorable ..; and lindsey I am not pregnant but this potato salad sounds so good, I feel my mouth watering :) I can tell from here the day was lovely and ...sunny !!! lucky people :) thos blessed moments we share with our family really have to be cherished :)  04.14.09 - 4:15pm

Tiffanie  I can't believe how big Bradyn is! And those are definitely some very cute kids!  04.14.09 - 1:46pm

Lindsey  what a fun that picture of the potato salad made my tummy growl at i pregnant :-) The one of Bradyn and Layla turned out so cute!  04.14.09 - 6:27am

Natasha  Wow...those grandkids of yours sure are cute!!! :)  04.13.09 - 9:00pm