carol layton  With the exception of the reptiles, I wanted to spend time with each one. I kind of wish I understood more how a still photograph can convey so much emotion...but maybe it's something I don't need to understand...just enjoy. You're such a treasure to Thomsaville!  01.20.12 - 9:43am

Debbie Shuler  Absolutely gorgeous! Would love to know the story behind each one, especially the snake.  01.17.12 - 8:37pm

Lindsey  I love these, dad! When I saw the ones with water this morning I thought of Ezekiel 43:2..."His voice was like the sound of many waters" WOW...great way to start the day :)  01.17.12 - 2:52pm

Mary Katherine Baker  These photos are breath taking Rodney!  01.17.12 - 1:21pm

Dara Inman  The man's a genius. My desktop and I thank you so much for posting these gorgeous photographs.  01.17.12 - 1:13pm

Natasha  These are are right, there are no bad ones....they all have a special touch.  01.17.12 - 1:12pm

Carol layton  Thank you for posting these. What a feast for the eyes....and the spirit. Soul food :)  01.17.12 - 12:52pm

Christopher Record  Beautiful work Rodney!  01.17.12 - 12:26pm

Richard Israel  WOW!!!!!  01.17.12 - 9:48am