Jenny Russell  I first my "Granny" at the ER at TMC. I'd just found out I needed gall bladder surgery, and she stopped there at my door and asked to come in. Said a prayer and wished me well.  06.15.12 - 6:11pm

Lori Rayburn  These are really great photos. I'd say it truly captures their spirit. Wonderful people!  06.06.12 - 1:31pm

Jennifer Every  I have had the pleasure of getting to know "Purple Grandma" at TMC and I am so grateful and lucky enough to know her and receive a genuine smile and hug from her almost weekly! The world would be a much better place if there were more around like 'Grandma! :)  06.05.12 - 10:17pm

Linda Hart  I have known 'Grandma' for 20+ years and agree with everything you have said. She is truly a blessing to so many and has been an inspiration to anyone who has been lucky to know her. I would love to do 1/2 as much in my life as she has already done in hers. Love ya!!  06.05.12 - 8:58pm

Jessica Beaver  These posts are probably my favorite of yours. There's nothing like the face of someone to see so much about who they are. Beautiful photos!  06.05.12 - 3:46pm

mary wanda  hey grandma purple....much love!  06.05.12 - 1:20pm