beth  wow...WOW these photos are gorgeous!!! what a beautiful bride. she is going to treasure these forever. you truly captured what a marvelous day it was for them. it's neat how you got so many moments the bride never as ariel view of her walking down the isle. lovely!  08.08.09 - 8:46pm

Lindsey  WOW...another fun day and beautiful wedding. Its really crazy to think how each one is so different and special! One thing's always the same though...I have a blast working with you :-)  08.06.09 - 11:16am

Natasha  Carolina alums - now, that's mine kind of couple. :) I always enjoy your wedding pictures, Rodney, but I enjoy your pre-pictures commentary just as much. Weddings are such an exciting time in a couple's life - it's neat to get a small glimpse of their fairly tale beginnings.  08.05.09 - 5:17am

Christine  Breathtaking, Rodney... What a beautiful wedding. And so perfectly captured. I am so jealous of her dress!!! Drool. :)  08.04.09 - 11:58pm

Sharon Lambros  Great wedding always do such a great job of capturing the atmosphere and emotion of the event or moment. You are such an artist!  08.04.09 - 9:26pm