amanda thiessen  these are great! more people should capture baptisms - love the last shot :)  08.20.09 - 12:43pm

Christine  Oh wow... what a great idea to capture this moment! And Bradyn looks like such a sweetheart... :)  08.20.09 - 7:27am

Natasha  What a joyous occasion! Nothing compares to knowing that someone you love so much has accepted the greatest gift we have ever been given - Jesus! I will pray for Bradyn as he begins his Christian walk.  08.19.09 - 4:22am

Christy  You couldn't have said it better - I will treasure these pictures forever. We are so lucky to have a family like the one we have. Bradyn is so lucky to be influenced by each member. God does wonderful things!  08.17.09 - 9:17pm

Sharon Lambros  I almost don't know what to say because the words don't do justice to what I am feeling....I watch you and Karen with your children and their children and think how blessed you all be so connected and to keep family and God so close...your priorities are in order. I too am so proud of Bradyn!  08.17.09 - 8:26pm

Lindsey  What a sweet post...I guess its our job now to make sure that little seed planted in his heart grows and grows. I'm with you...I had to wipe the tears out of my eyes twice when he was up there (and it wasn't pregnant tears)--I think it was just pure joy! We're so proud of that little fella!  08.17.09 - 7:51pm

Donna  I remember(with tears in my eyes) your prayer in the hospital room after Bradyn was born and know that God will honor those prayers. I am so proud of Bradyn. -----Priceless pictures!  08.17.09 - 4:06pm