beth  he is so handsome!! he looks 18 in that last picture!  09.16.09 - 11:43am

Tiffanie  I can't believe how big he has gotten. What great pictures and such a cute story. I love to hear the things kids come up with. Thanks for sharing.  09.14.09 - 12:24pm

kathy lambeth  adorable!!!!! and you weren't kiddin' about those big blue eyes!!!!!  09.14.09 - 11:38am

Natasha  A wise young man!! :) He could teach many adults a few things.  09.14.09 - 3:48am

Christy  I love everything that he comes up with and wish I could share it with everyone - he teaches me something daily. The pictures are wonderful - I can't believe how grown up he looks!  09.13.09 - 9:07pm

Lindsey  Smart boy...with some excellent problem solving skills! I can tell he's spent a lot of time with his "pop". :-) Love the pictures---is he growing up fast or what?  09.13.09 - 6:49am

Carol Layton  Hilarious! I met Bradyn once and it's obvious he's a deep thinker. As they say on the Family Feud, Good Answer!!  09.13.09 - 5:47am

Christine Pobke  Hmmm... could he be a reincarnation of the Dalai Lama? :) What an adorable (and wise) boy! :) And great shots... that 2nd one of him making a face at the broccoli is hysterical!  09.13.09 - 4:52am